CHAPTER NINE The next morning, Mike was awakened by Rick's cool wet smooching lips, sending tingling sensations down to the tips of his toes. He opened his sleepy eyes to see Rick's beautiful face smiling over him. As Mike stirred, Rick climbed on top of him and pinned him down, holding him captive. Mike squirmed helplessly as Rick planted his juicy lips on him again. He wrapped his arms tight around him and squeezed. "Morning, partner," Rick whispered softly as he gazed deep into Mike's eyes. "Good morning to you too," Mike answered with a smile as he felt Rick's powerful body enslaving him. He started to get really horny. Rick began gently kissing him all around his neck and then on his slim shoulders. Mike was in ecstasy! "I decided I'll go into work, afterall," Rick announced while still caressing Mike all over. "I already missed a day last week, and I'm on a new job now." "Yeah, I understand," Mike replied as his cock stiffened and Rick pressed his magnificent torso onto him. His power was overwhelming. "You'll have to drive me to work, but I'll give you the keys to the car and you can go and pick up your things." "Sure, Rick," responded as Rick kissed him one last time on the tip of his nose. He still couldn't believe that he wasn't dreaming all of this. It was as though Rick had been sent from heaven. "And you'll have to come and pick me up, as well, and drive me to the gym later," Rick informed Mike as he released him and climbed off the bed. He jumped down on the floor and started doing push ups. Mike laid in bed gazing fondly at Rick who quickly pumped out about twenty-five push ups. Mike probably couldn't have done any more than three or four without collapsing from exhaustion. Suddenly Rick stopped, rested on the floor and looked up at Mike. "Hey! I've got a great idea!" Rick announced gleefully. "Get on top of me, Mike!" "WHAT!" Mike cried and sat up on the bed looking puzzled. "Yeah! Climb up on my back and hold on to me while I do more push ups. It'll be GREAT for my pecs!" Mike hesitantly crawled out of bed and climbed, naked, on top of Rick. Rick was naked too. Mike positioned himself on Rick's back and placed his arms under and around his huge torso to hang on to him. He spread his hands firmly over Rick's glorious pectorals and hung on for dear life. Rick started to quickly pump his body up and down with Mike on top of him. He was incredibly powerful! "Hey! Rick! I can feel your pecs stretching and flexing. This is wild!" Mike counted each push up as Rick pumped up and down and started to sweat. After seventeen repetitions he slowly lowered his fabulous physique to the floor and Mike remained mounted on top of him. He didn't want to get off. "That feels great!" Rick exclaimed as he pulled Mike's arms off him and stood up and flexed his pecs in the mirror. "I want to do this every morning! It's nice having an extra body around," he laughed as he mussed Mike's hair and struck another pose in the mirror. "How be I whip up some bacon and eggs, Rick?" "Sure!" Rick replied with a grin on his face. "You know, it won't be hard to get used to this. I'll shave and shower and get dressed. Mike threw on his clothes and wandered into the kitchen, still feeling groggy from the long night's rest. In ten minutes he had the bacon frying and eggs poaching and the bread ready to pop in the toaster. Suddenly Rick appeared in the doorway. Mike nearly flipped. He was in full uniform. What a gorgeous soldier he was. "Wow, Rick," Mike gasped as he surveyed the Lieutenant Colonel with gleaming eyes. "Do you ever look handsome in your uniform!" "Thanks, Mike," Rick said as he sniffed the air and breathed deep. "Ummmmmmmmmm! Smells divine!" "Oh it always does when someone else makes it!" The two relaxed and chatted as they ate breakfast. Rick finally stood up, wiped his lips with a serviette and looked down to check his boots. He reached down and wiped a spot off one of them. Then he headed to the door and Mike followed. Mike drove Rick out to the base and dropped him off at his office. He felt like a housewife as he parked the car and Rick reached down and squeezed his leg. They didn't dare kiss there on the base. "So you'll pick me up here at four o'clock, okay?" "Yes, sir!" Mike grinned back as he shifted the Fiero into first gear. "I'll give you some cash to pay off your rent," Rick added as he slammed the car door shut and reached into his pocket. He walked around to Mike's window, pulled out a wad of money, counted out some bills and handed them to Mike. Mike looked at the money in shock. "THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS! HOLY SHIT!" "Just take it and never mind," Rick ordered as he placed his wad back in his pocket. "Pay off your rent and get your things," he added as he reached in and mussed Mike's hair again. "Gee, Rick! I, I ..." "See you at four," Rick said as he turned and walked away from the car and up to his office. Mike slowly cruised by the building as he watched his Lieutenant Colonel climb up the stairs and disappear through the front door. Mike went straight to his rooming house in Parkwood. It didn't take him very long to gather his things together. He didn't own any furniture and had only lived there for about three months so hadn't accumulated much. When he got back to the chalet, Mike had an overwhelming sensation of feeling secure and happy. He was in love with the sexiest most beautiful soldier in the world and was moving in with him. Dreams were made of this day. He felt absolutely wonderful. He drove back out to the base and picked up Rick at four o'clock sharp. Rick, however, didn't seem to be in a very good mood. "Is there something wrong," Mike asked curiously. "You seem a bit down." "Oh, it's nothing," Rick replied with a frown. "I missed having my car. I could have used it a couple of times today." "Well, I don't mind if you take it. I'll be okay without it." "Yeah, sure! Stranded out at my place in the middle of nowhere. I'll have to think about this!" Mike drove them back to the chalet and fed Rick the casserole he had made for dinner. Rick appeared to have enjoyed it, and his mood picked up. He then advised Mike that he would drive himself to the gym. "Then I don't have to depend on you to pick me up all the time. What if my last client cancels or something. I'm left stuck, waiting for you!" It was obvious that Rick didn't like being without his car. Mike spent the evening waiting forlornly for him to come back. He had left at about five thirty to meet his first trainee for six o'clock. And he wouldn't be finished until nine o'clock. That meant it would be about nine thirty before he got back. But when the red Fiero drove up to the chalet and Rick honked the horn, all of Mike's waiting had been worth the while. His prince was home! Rick was tired and they sat at the dining room table and sipped at some wine. Mike massaged his wonderful shoulders and neck and trapezius and Rick started getting sleepy. By ten o'clock the two were in bed. Mike wrapped his arms around the muscular Rick and squeezed as hard as he could. His cock hardened up and his balls ached as he cuddled up to him. Rick fell quickly into a deep sleep. The next day was the same. But at about one o'clock in the afternoon a strange car zipped up the driveway and Mike ran to the window to see who it was. He didn't know any of Rick's friends, or even if he had any who would come to the house. As he opened the back door and stepped out onto the veranda, his jaw dropped as Rick climbed out of the car and headed up towards Mike. "I picked this up this morning for you to use Mike," Rick announced as he went to the bottom of the steps and tossed the car keys up to Mike. Mike grabbed them and looked down in amazement at the car. Was this for real? Did Rick actually go out and buy him a car? "Could you get me my keys," Rick added and stood waiting anxiously for Mike to fetch the keys to the Fiero from inside. Mike ran back out to the veranda and tossed them down to Rick. Rick grinned back up at Mike and blew him a kiss. "Everything's taken care of, Mike. I got you insured as a second driver. So you take care of her like she was your own. You hear? I'll be keeping an eye on her!" "YES, SIR!" Mike cried out from the veranda as he watched Rick climb into his Fiero, shift into reverse, wheel around and spin the tires down the driveway. It was a long day for Mike. Rick didn't come home for dinner that night and went straight to the gym. And he didn't get back until nearly ten o'clock. The same thing happened the next day. Mike was beginning to wonder if this was going to be all there was to their relationship. Mike had even phoned up the bowling league and said he was quitting. By the end of the week he'd wished he hadn't. Friday night finally arrived and Mike was getting excited. Rick still didn't get home until ten o'clock, but Mike was counting on spending at least SOME time alone with him that weekend. Rick was exhausted when he got home. He was so tired that he just headed straight for the bedroom, stripped off his clothes and jumped eagerly into bed. Mike felt utterly abandoned. He had waited all day, almost all week, for this moment, and Rick just went to bed. Mike wasn't even tired, but he reluctantly crawled into bed with him. He snuggled up to him and wrapped his arms around his massive powerful torso. Rick shifted and turned his back to Mike. He was just too tired to get involved in anything. Mike felt rejected and disappointed. "So what's on the agenda for tomorrow, Rick?" Mike said, almost indignantly. "Well, I've got a big day ahead of me at the gym. You know that!" "Yeah, I'm starting to know only too well!" "Look," Rick chided as he turned and looked over the sheets at Mike. "I don't make any demands of you! And I've got a life to live!" "And just what do you mean by that?" Mike piped up, insulted by Rick's intonation. "Awww, Mike! I just wanna s-l-e-e-e-e-e-p! Please let me sleep!" Rick retorted. "I'm sorry if I'm cranky!" "Oh, it's okay! I'm sorry, too!" Mike replied feeling guilty. He crawled up on Rick's shoulders, rubbed a hand through his thick healthy hair and kissed one of his ear lobes. "I guess I'm being selfish," he whispered. "Don't worry about it, Mike," Rick answered as he sat up against the pillow, placed his two thick hairy hands around Mike's face and planted his lips into Mike's. Mike collapsed in Rick's arms and snuggled up close in his powerful embrace. After a few minutes of silence, Rick started to snore. Mike realized that this was not going to be an eventful evening, so he slipped out from Rick's tired arms, crawled out of bed and went out to the dining room. He stayed up until nearly two o'clock drinking wine and looking at body building magazines. He imagined Rick on the cover of every one of them. He was so in love with Mr. Vermont to be! He still felt wonderful crawling back into bed with the magnificent man, even though he was dead to the world, snorring away like no tomorrow. The next morning, Mike woke up with a start as he felt around with his eyes closed and there was no handsome bodybuilder lying there with him. He sat up quickly in the bed and noticed that Rick's boots were gone. He got up and wandered over to the closet and saw that Rick's gym bag was gone. "SHIT!" Mike cursed out loud to himself. "What a fucking drag!" he continued as he meandered down the hall and into the kitchen. The smell of bacon still lingered in the air and Mike glanced up at the clock to see what time it was. "TEN O'CLOCK! JESUS CHRIST!" DING-A-LING-A-LING! Mike rushed to the wall phone near the fridge and grabbed the receiver instantly. It must be Rick! "Hello?" he said eagerly as he propped the phone up to his ear. "HEY! SLEEPY HEAD!" Rick teased on the other end of the line. "What time did YOU go to bed last night? I didn't want to wake you so I just got ready and left." "Oh, Rick!" Mike exclaimed with frustration. "When are we ever going to spend some time together?" "Tonight, sweetheart," Rick announced happily. "My last client cancelled so I'll be home by four thirty!" "Oh thank god, Rick!" Mike cried. "Finally! I can't wait to see you! I'll make a real fancy dinner, okay?" "Sounds wunderbars! Aren't you glad I've got my car now!" "You bet!" "I left you some cash on the kitchen table, in case you needed to get some groceries or something." Mike hung up the phone and started pacing the kitchen floor trying to decide what to do for dinner. It would be the best dinner he ever made. He glanced at the table and there was a hundred dollars lying there. He couldn't believe it. He got dressed, dashed out to the new car and drove off to the grocery store. He only spent about twenty-five dollars so left the extra seventy-five on Rick's dresser. Rick was in a really good mood when he got home. Mike was rushing around setting the table and tending to his cooking at the stove. The entire house smelled absolutely fabulous. Rick walked into the kitchen, pulled Mike away from the stove and pinned him up against the fridge. Mike dropped his wooden spoon as they embraced passionately and necked right there in the kitchen. Dinner was a smashing success! Rick was full of praise and Mike felt very proud. They laughed and joked by candlelight and clinked wine glasses several times. Then Rick started to yawn. "I'll take care of the dishes," Rick informed Mike as he stood up from the table and wiped his moustache with a napkin. "Like hell you will!" Mike retorted. "You work hard enough as it is. It's the least I can do for you!" "Okay! Whatever you say! I ain't arguing," Rick replied as he carried his dishes into the kitchen. Mike picked up his own dishes and followed. As Rick placed his on the counter, he turned to Mike with an anxious look on his face. "Mike, General Scott is dropping by tomorrow afternoon." "And just who is General Scott?" Mike asked looking disturbed. There went more of their precious time together. "Well, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be where I am now. He's the top brass at the base. He even went down to coach me for the Mr. Pennsylvania. I owe him everything." "So, we don't even get to spend Sunday alone together," Mike responded belligerently. "Then we go to bed, get up the next morning and you're gone for another friggin WEEK!" "Hey, Mike!" Rick piped up, losing patience. "Like, the guy's my best buddy! If you don't like it, you can take a hike!" Mike sneered at Rick, stomped off in a rage and marched into the bedroom and slammed the door behind him. Rick was NOT amused and charged in after him. Then he started giving him a piece of his mind. "Listen to me," he said angrily as he grabbed Mike by the shoulders, sat him down on the edge of the bed and rested his hands on his hips. Mike was suddenly afraid. "If you don't like the way life is around here you can leave anytime," Rick stated firmly. "I'm not going to change my life for you!" Mike sat on the edge of the bed with his head down. He felt bad about throwing his little fit. "And let's get another thing straight," Rick continued reprimanding. "If you do decide to stay, you're going to have to lay off this possessive trip, okay?" "Yes, Rick," Mike answered sheepishly. He was so ashamed, and almost frightened that his dream was all going down the drain. Rick suddenly got down on his knees before Mike and grabbed his hands. He rubbed Mike's arms up and down and squeezed his shoulders. "Mike!" he said lowering his voice. "I love you! I really do! But give me a break! This is why I never get involved with anyone. Everyone always gets so obsessed with me, and possessive! I can't stand it!" "I'm sorry, Rick," Mike answered, feeling more assured now that Rick wasn't scolding him anymore. He placed his soft hands around Rick's face, leaned over and kissed his beautiful juicy lips. "I'm so sorry. I promise I'll get my act together." Rick grinned up at him, jumped to his feet and started stripping. Mike looked up at him with longing as he started removing his own clothes. Rick hovered over Mike who now lay naked on the bed. Rick climbed carefully on top of him and pinned him on the bed. He planted his gorgeous lips on Mike's, plunged his sexy tongue into Mike's mouth and squirmed and writhed on top of him. "Gee!" Rick said timidly after removing his tongue from Mike's sucking lips. "Did we just have a quarrel?" he added with a teasing grin on his face. "Yes, and it was all over General Scott, wasn't it?" "You're gonna like the guy, Mike! He's crazy! And I'll bet you a million bucks he's gonna really like you, too!" "Oh?" Mike replied as his ears perked up. "For sure! And you watch it because he's a real charmer. Good old General Scott!" "Oh?" Mike repeated as Rick rolled over, pulled the covers up and snuggled up to him. He wrapped his arms around Mike, trapped him between his powerful legs and squeezed him like a giant teddy bear. "No one can say no to the General!" CHAPTER TEN Sunday was unusually warm for late October, but it was also overcast and rainy, even stormy at times. Mike was slightly withdrawn for most of the morning. He kept thinking about what Rick had told him the night before, that if he didn't like it he should leave. It made Mike feel insecure about their relationship, and about his home as well. He felt inferior, too. Rick was so handsome and powerful and successful. Why indeed should he take Mike under his wing. Did he really love him the way he said he did? Rick noticed that Mike wasn't quite himself, but decided that he wasn't going to apologize or suck up to him for what he'd said. He meant every word of it! And that was all there was to it. Still, he felt a bit sorry for him when he saw him so despondent. And he honestly did love him very much. "So what are we going to do when General Scott comes over," Mike asked meekly as he wiped off the kitchen table. Rick had made a delicious brunch for the two of them and Mike was cleaning up. "Oh, geez, I don't know! Just horse around I guess!" "Horse around?" Mike asked, trying to keep his voice pleasant. "And what does 'horsing around' include?" "Just fooling around!" Rick answered. Mike began to sense impatience in his voice. "Larry's always got a bag of tricks up his sleeve. He just walks onto the scene and takes right over." "Where does he live?" Mike asked inquisitively. "Just a couple of miles further down the road. He breeds horses, has a beautiful ranch. In fact, if it wasn't for the rain he'd probably ride over." "Oh yeah?" Mike responded. "Sounds like a neat guy," he added, showing more enthusiasm. "Well, we'll see if you're still calling him a 'neat' guy after he's gone," Rick joked. "Larry's quite the character!" Mike carried on with cleaning the kitchen and Rick went into his study to do some finances. This was the part of his life he disliked the most, the paperwork. But it had to be done! The warm rain continued through the early afternoon, when the gusts of wind picked up again. It was an eerie day, with thunder storms threatening every so often. The trees were bare now, and the wet rain kept the leaves from flying around with the wind. As Mike swished about the living room with the duster, he began to feel content again. Working around the house helped, and with Rick in the study it felt so cosy as he glanced out the window every now and then and saw the damp dreary day outside. He decided to go in and see how Rick was doing. Mike rapped softly on the door to Rick's study and walked over to him at his desk. Rick looked back over his shoulder and smiled. Mike put the duster down and started massaging Rick's neck. "Ummm, that feels nice, Mike," Rick sighed as he rolled his head around. Mike could feel the kinks in his neck and heard the crunching of the tight muscles. "You're all stiff, Rick! You just keep working and I'll give you a good rub down." "Sounds great! Thanks!" Mike continued kneading and squeezing and massaging as Rick studied his accounts. Mike couldn't help but notice all the cheques piled up. As Rick took each one and registered it in his book, Mike glanced down to see how much Rick wrote. There were at least forty cheques, all for a hundred dollars each. Mike worked his hands deeper into Rick's thick sinewy shoulders. Rick then pulled two more cheques from his brief case. The first one was for two thousand dollars. It must have been his pay cheque Mike thought. Then Rick plucked up the other cheque and held it high for Mike to see. "SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS!" Mike hollered as he withdrew his hands in shock. "Got my back pay! Not bad, eh?" "I'll say!" Mike added, determined not to get hung up about all the money. "You deserve every penny of it!" Rick turned around in his chair, reached up and wrapped his gigantic arms around Mike. He pulled him close and pressed his juicy lips into Mike's mouth and plunged his tongue deep in his mouth. Mike swooned as he held firmly onto Rick's shoulders and Rick's squirming tongue dispersed tingles throughout his body. The two released each other and Rick turned back to his books. Mike moved his hands back up around Rick's neck to loosen up the kinks again. Suddenly Rick unlocked one of the desk drawers, opened it up and retrieved a leather portfolio. He placed it on the desk, unzipped it and pulled out a huge wad of money. Mike gazed on with astonishment as Rick started to count it out so he could register it in his book. There was nearly two thousand dollars, in cold hard cash. Mike started getting those feelings of inferiority again. But he started to think that maybe he just "wanted" to feel that way. It puzzled him! Rick tied an elastic band around the bills and placed them neatly into the portfolio. He grabbed the pile of cheques and his accounting books and shoved them carefully inside, zipped up the portfolio and locked it up in the drawer. "So!" Rick proclaimed as he rose from the chair and Mike stepped back to let him shove his chair aside. "Did you get all the dusting done?" he added, laughing at the duster that Mike had dropped on the floor. Mike grabbed the duster and smacked Rick on the back of the head with it. The two of them laughed and went out to the living room. "That must be Larry," Rick announced suddenly as he strolled over to the veranda door to look out the window to the driveway. Mike could see him getting excited. Rick must really like this guy. He walked over and joined him at the window, putting his arm around his waist. Sure enough, a car zoomed up the driveway and parked right beside the other two. It was a Mercedes! Mike was very impressed. But it was raining quite a bit now and Larry didn't get out. "I guess he's waiting for the rain to let up," Mike pondered out loud. "Yeah, well, Larry's not the type of guy to hang around waiting for the rain to stop." Just as Rick's words dissipated, the car door opened, a stocky figure in blue jeans and a white tee shirt jumped out of the car and made a dash for the veranda. It was raining even harder. Rick opened up the door to the rushing sound of the heavy rain and stood aside to let Larry run in. Mike stood back and listened to the quick stomping up the stairs and across the veranda. Then the General appeared in the doorway, dripping wet. He was holding a briefcase up over his head. Mike was flabergasted! He was totally blown away! The general was even more powerful looking than Rick. He was just an inch or two shorter, about his own height, but he was big and really stocky, built like a brick shit house. He had a massive chest, even more overwhelming than Rick's. And his arms looked even bigger because he was shorter. He had huge magnificent shoulders. He looked like he could strangle a bear with one hand tied behind his back. And he was dripping wet, tee shirt clinging to his pecs. "Hi soldier," the General said as Rick closed the door behind him and took the briefcase from him. The General then brought his lips up to Rick's and the two of them kissed. Mike was beside himself. He didn't know what to make of this guy. His tee shirt was soaking wet and clung to his massive powerful torso. And he was extremely handsome, blond, with a moustache of course. Mike was stupefied! He had expected an old man, not a gorgeous, blond, stocky, dripping wet hunk kissing his lover! He couldn't have been a day over forty. "And this must be Mike," the General added as he turned to Mike and reached out to shake his hand. "Larry, I'd like you to meet, Mike," Rick started to introduce them as Mike held his hand out for the General. "Mike, this is Larry!" As the two shook hands, Mike couldn't stop gazing up and down at the General. The General chuckled as he released his hand and moved closer. "Cat got your tongue, Mike," the General said as Mike tried to smile and think of something to say. "Well I'll just have to break the ice." He placed his thick powerful hands around Mike's slight shoulders and pulled Mike right up against his rugged physique. Then he wrapped his rock hard arms around Mike and plunged his lips into Mike's. He tickled inside Mike's mouth with his tongue and gently, but very very slowly, removed his lips. Mike saw stars! He'd only been with the man for one minute and he was ready to cream his jeans. "Nice to, uh, MEET you," Mike finally blurted out as Rick and Larry stood laughing at him. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me," he added while still reeling from Larry's lips. "You've got to get out of those wet clothes Larry," Rick exclaimed as he walked over to the dining room table and put Larry's briefcase on one of the chairs. "I'll get some towels," he finished as he disappeared down the hall toward the washroom. "Yeah! I'm kind of soaked, aren't I," Larry acknowledged as he gazed into Mike's star struck eyes. "Let me t-t-take your clothes and put them in the dryer for you, G-G-General," Mike said timidly as the General started tugging at his drenched tee shirt. "Call me Larry, Mike," Larry responded as he pulled the shirt up over his head revealing granite abdominals and panoramic pectorals. Mike gocked in awe as he reached out and took the shirt. "So, Rick says you just live down the road General, uh, er, Larry," Mike continued, attempting to keep a conversation going. Larry unzipped his sexy jeans and started pulling them down over his thick sinewy thighs. He was very well tanned. He looked even moreso because of his blond hair. "Yeah! Got a ranch about two miles further out," Larry confirmed as he slipped off his brown leather boots and tugged his jeans right off. They were soaked too. "Might as well go for broke," he chuckled as he pulled his underwear right off and handed them to a dumbfounded Mike. He was totally naked, with a big heavy duty hard on. Just then Rick arrived back with the towels. "Holy shit!" Rick declared while holding back the giggles. "Two minutes and he's stripped down to nothing. That must be a record Larry!" Mike just stood there with the wet clothes gazing at Larry. Larry took the small towel from Rick and started drying himself off. As he buffed up his pecs, Mike felt like pouncing on him. He was magnificently powerful. "Can you get my back for me, Mike," Larry asked as he handed the towel to Mike. Mike was still holding the wet clothes over one arm. He took the towel and reached over to Larry's back as the muscle god turned to his side. Mike patted all over Larry's back and buffed up his Latissimus Dorsi for him. "You've got magnificent lats, General, uh, Larry," Mike said admiringly as he started to loosen up and feel more relaxed. Larry took the towel back and passed the towel over his ass a few times. "Hey, you sound like you know your vocabulary," Larry praised Mike. "And what are these," he added as he turned his back, patted his ass a few more times with the towel and flexed the muscles. "They're BUNS!" Mike proclaimed. The three of them broke into fits of laughter. Mike felt more at home with Larry now, and took his clothes to the dryer in the kitchen. When he returned, Larry had donned the other big towel around his waist. He was so tanned and powerful and blond and sexy and charming. Rick was right! Mike was already charmed right off his feet. They chatted about the weather for a minute and Larry suddenly headed over to the dining room table to get his briefcase. "Rick, I want to get another order, okay," Larry announced seriously. "Order?" Mike thought to himself. "Sure thing, Larry," Rick replied. "How much?" "I'll get five this time," Larry declared as he flipped open his brief case on the table. Rick disappeared down the hall again and Mike stood beside the table watching Larry fidget in his brief case. He looked up at Mike and his face lit up as he caught Mike's gaze. Mike's heart skipped a beat. Larry was gorgeous! When Rick returned, he tossed five little boxes on the table. Mike noticed that one of the boxes had the title 'Stallion' printed on it. He started to wonder what this was all about. "Good stuff, Rick," Larry exclaimed as he counted out five hundred dollars on the table in front of Rick. Mike was confounded! Could this have anything to do with all the cash Rick had? Was it steroids? Rick took the money and recounted it as Larry picked up one of the boxes and checked it over. "You know this stuff is unreal!" Larry declared. "I've got a hard on constantly when I'm on it!" "You've got a hard on ALL the time," Rick laughed as he folded his money and tucked it into his jeans pocket. Mike stood and watched as Larry picked up the boxes of 'Stallion' and placed them neatly in his briefcase. As he closed the case he turned and looked at Mike. He grinned and flexed one of his pecs at him. "I guess your clothes must be just about ready," Mike piped up as he grinned sheepishly back at Larry. There was some kind of chemistry happening between the two of them. Off he went to the kitchen to fetch Larry's dry clothes. Rick and Larry sat down at the dining room table and started chatting about Rick's gym, and about the Mr. Vermont contest. When he returned, Mike sat down sideways on his chair and watched Larry talking as he held out his dried clothes for him. Larry stood up to start putting his clothes back on and Rick and Mike roared with laughter. He had a huge boner under the towel. It stuck straight out in front of him like a tent pole under canvas. Larry looked down and grinned. "I told you, Rick! That Stallion stuff is wild!" Larry said as he untied the knot he had tied and slipped off the towel right in front of them. "Oh! By the way Rick. I've got a little present for you," he added as he unlatched his briefcase and opened it up again. Mike couldn't keep his eyes off his huge jerking penis that bounced about near the edge of the table. "Gee thanks, Larry," Rick said as Larry handed him a tiny little box, neatly wrapped. "What on earth could this be!" "It's something for Mr. Vermont," Larry replied eagerly as he turned to Mike and caught him gazing at his cock. "I'll take those now, Mike," he declared as Mike looked up at him and handed him his underwear. Larry smiled and winked as he motioned to Mike to look at the present Rick was opening. Rick pulled the wrapping paper off to uncover a tiny little Birk's ring box. Larry, meanwhile, had stepped into his underwear and pulled them up and was fumbling with his cock, trying to stuff it inside. "Oh, Larry! Are we getting engaged," Rick joked as the other two giggled. Mike wished Larry was proposing to him. He would have married him on the spot. Rick opened up the box and was surprised that there was no ring or jewelry. Instead, he pulled out a tiny pair of slinky green posing trunks and held them up for the other two to see. "You'll wear them for the contest!" Larry declared firmly. "I insist!" He then took his tee shirt from Mike who was holding it up attentively for him. Larry stretched his arms up and pulled the tee shirt over his head. He tugged it down over his powerful chest and crushing abdominals. Mike watched in awe, forgetting about the posing trunks. Rick stood up and held them around his waist. "Well, aren't you going to try them on for us?" Larry lamented. "How about a show? Why don't you do your routine for us?" "Okay!" Rick replied excitedly as he placed the posing trunks on the table and started to strip right at the table. Larry took his jeans from Mike and slipped into the pant legs. Mike sat back in his chair and looked back and forth at the two of them. "Show?" Mike laughed. "I've got TWO shows going on right now. You military guys, honest to god! You must think life is one big locker room!" The two magnificent bodybuilders laughed boisterously as one unzipped and the other zipped up. Larry's clothes clung to him extra tightly, having just come out of the drier. His muscular buns almost burst his sexy faded jeans. He turned his chair around to face the living room as Rick stripped down to nothing. "Put on your music for us, and get up on the coffee table," Larry ordered as he sat down. "Yes, SIR!" Rick exclaimed gleefully as he pulled the sexy trunks up around his basket and shoved his big meaty penis inside. Larry had exquisite taste! As Rick walked around Mike's chair he snapped the waist band and startled him. Larry laughed at Mike as he smiled up at Rick. Rick pulled the coffee table out into the middle of the living room and shoved a tape into the tape deck. As he climbed up on the table, Larry and Mike applauded as Larry introduced Rick ... "And now, ladies and gentleman, Lieutenant Colonel Rick Harris, from Parkwood, Vermont!" Larry announced as he pulled up another chair and lifted his legs up onto it and crossed them. Mike was behind him and could watch him closely, as well as admire Rick during his posing routine. A majestic classical piece of music started up on the stereo as Rick slowly and gradually raised up his arms to strike his first pose. Mike looked on with admiration as Rick hit a fabulous double biceps. He executed the pose perfectly, and totally synchronized with the music. Mike and Larry applauded appreciatively as Rick turned his back and worked his way into his next pose. Mike glanced at Larry and noticed that he was trying to massage his trapezium muscles. He wasn't going to miss out on this opportunity and immediately got up from his chair, stood behind Larry's chair and planted his hands on the General's massive shoulders. He was surprised he'd done it so instinctively. Larry looked around at him briefly and grinned as Mike started to work the muscles firmly and gently. Rick continued with his contest routine, constantly looking over to Larry for approval. He didn't even notice Mike massaging his neck and shoulders. And he didn't see that Mike wasn't paying much attention to his show, either. Larry was his mentor, and his opinion was foremost in his mind. As Mike diligently worked on Larry's shoulders and traps and neck, he gazed longingly down at his thick massive torso which moved slightly back and forth with each movement of his hands. He noticed that Larry's muscles were much harder, but more relaxed than Rick's. Larry stretched out his legs and crossed them the other way as the show continued. All eyes were on him! The music stopped triumphantly with Rick kneeling on the coffee table doing The Thinker pose. Larry suddenly jumped to his feet and started applauding and cheering wildly. Mike pulled his hands away and joined him. Rick jumped off the coffee table and turned the stereo down low. As he walked back over to join them, Larry sat back down, still applauding, and grinned at Mike. "And YOU! Where did you learn to massage like that," he said to Mike, looking him over enviously. "I get lots of practice with Rick," Mike smiled as he returned to Larry's side and resumed with his newly acquired skill. Rick didn't seem to notice or be concerned at all. "Rick! You're pecs are looking fantastic," Larry exclaimed as Rick pulled up a chair, anxious to hear his comments. "They've really improved since the last time you posed for me." "Thanks, Larry," Rick replied happily, his eyes gleaming with pride. Larry's approval meant the world to him. "You know, I'm positive it's because of OUR morning push ups," he proclaimed proudly while glancing over to Mike and smiling. "Yeah! You were telling me about that," Larry acknowledged. "How much do you weigh Mike?" he queried as he looked Mike over again, from head to toe. "One fifty," Mike said matter of factly, as he watched the General studying him. "Well, let's give it a go," Larry declared as he stood up, stepped out from the table and got down on his hands and knees in front of Mike. "I want to check this out. Hop on!" Mike freaked! He looked over at Rick who just stood their grinning down at Larry, thinking he was teaching the General a new trick. Mike watched anxiously as Larry stretched out on the floor, face down, and spread his arms out, ready to do push ups. "Mount me," Larry ordered. Rick laughed as Mike stepped up to the General, got down on one knee beside the massive muscle hunk. His back was HUGE! His glutes were GLORIOUS! "Go on," Rick urged Mike. "And how much do YOU weigh," Mike asked as he climbed up on Larry and straddled him. He was getting very horny. He wanted to stick his cock right into his godly glutes. "About eighty pounds more than you, soldier," Larry teased. "Tell me, Mike," he inquired as he looked back at Mike through the corner of his eye. "How many push ups does your Lieutenant Colonel friend do every morning?" "I guess about twenty, on average," Mike replied with a questionning voice as he contemplated the eighty extra pounds of solid muscle that was packed onto Larry's magnificent body. "That's right," Rick interjected as Mike stretched his meagre arms around Larry's broad back and reached up around his Latissimus Dorsi. He couldn't believe it! He was much wider than Rick. He could just barely bend his elbows under his lats and shove his forearms through his arm pits. As he placed his hands on Larry's upper chest, he was amazed at how much bigger he was than Rick. With Rick, he could touch the tips of his opposite fingers together. With Larry, he could barely touch the man's nipples. He squirmed on top of him to ready himself for 'the ride'. "You count for me, Mike," Larry ordered as he raised his magnificent body up from the floor. "One, two, three, four, five," Mike blurted out with surprise in his voice. Larry was going twice as fast as Rick does. His massive chest heaved and flexed as Mike felt the hard pectoral muscles in the palm of his hand. "Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven," Mike continued with excitement as Rick stood over them and watched intently with his arms crossed. "Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen," Mike rattled off as Rick leaned over to make sure Larry was doing the exercise properly. He was pleased to see his two friends getting along together so well. And he knew that the General would be able to do a lot more than him. He'd been doing push ups since before he was born. "Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, holy shit, thirty, thirty-one," Mike kept counting out loud enthusiastically. "You're incredible, Larry!" he exclaimed as he held firmly onto his rock hard torso. It was like being on a rocking horse. "Thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two," Rick joined in eagerly. "Forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven, GO FOR FIFTY!" Mike yelled out. "Forty- nine, FIFTY, FIFTY-ONE, FIFTY-TWO! WOWWWWWW!" With that Larry slowly lowered his body down one last time and rested his arms at his side. Rick stood applauding over them as Mike remained mounted on Larry, totally titillated by Larry's power. DING-A-LING-A-LING! "Shit!" Rick swore under his breath and stopped applauding. "I'll be back in a minute." To Mike's amazement, Larry started doing push ups again. He grabbed tightly onto his torso again as he felt himself losing his composure. He wanted Larry to rape him. He was magnificent! "Three, four, five, six," Larry started counting out loud for himself. He had incredible stamina. Mike was in awe of him. He had such control! "Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen," Larry continued, not exhibiting the slightest exhaustion whatsoever. His tee shirt, however, was getting soaked again, with sweat. And Mike could feel his hands starting to slowly slip away from Larry's sweaty pecs. "Twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four," Larry persisted. "Thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five," he finished up as he rested on the floor again under Mike. Suddenly he rolled out from under Mike, wrapped one leg around him and flipped him quickly but gently over. He kneeled on the floor hovering over Mike, stretched his arms out and positioned his hands on either side of Mike's head. Mike gazed up into his beautiful sky blue eyes with astonishment as he lay pinned to the floor by the General's powerful legs. Larry looked like a Robert Redford hunk in an Export "A" commercial on the back of a magazine. His gorgeous moustache was thick and bushy, but meticulously trimmed. There was a very slight hint of carrot red in his hair, which emphasized his blue eyes even more. His face was beautifully tanned. His ample sexy lips beckoned to be caressed. Suddenly, Rick reappeared and was fully dressed again. Larry remained kneeling over Mike but sat up straight and crossed his arms. "I gotta go to the gym, guys," Rick announced regretfully. "I'll be back in about an hour and a half," he promised while walking quickly past them. "AW, RICK!" Mike piped up, as he rolled over on his stomach, still under Larry, and looked up at Rick longingly. "Oh, relax Mike," Rick chided as he winked at Larry. "I'm sure the General will keep you entertained!" He went to the veranda door, slipped on his boots and opened the door. "You better not leave me alone with this young stallion too long," Larry jested as he gazed down at Mike who was still captive under him. "Who's riding WHO," Rick laughed as he disappeared through the door and closed it behind him. Mike gazed up at General Hunk and wondered just what was in store for him. Larry leaned over him, placed his hands back on the floor beside his head and smiled contently. Mike watched him listening closely to hear the Fiero go down the driveway. Then he wiped a hand across his chest to feel how wet his tee shirt had become from the sweating. "I'd like to put this in the dryer again," Larry announced as he stood up, leaving Mike lying on the floor below him. "Here! I'll put it in for you," Mike exclaimed while jumping to his feet and watching Larry pull the tee shirt up over his head. He held the tee shirt in his hand and started to flex his freshly pumped pectorals. He gazed down at one side and flexed. He looked across at the other side and flexed. And he glanced back up into Mike's eyes and winked. He then handed his tee shirt to him. "Where are Rick's bells, Mike?" "Uh," Mike answered with surprise. "Bells?" "Dumbells, soldier! Dumbells!" "OH! They're in the bedroom. Sorry! I didn't know what you meant for a second." Larry wandered off down the hall towards the bedroom as Mike gazed at his beautiful glutes, shifting with each step. He then took Larry's teeshirt to the kitchen and threw it back in the dryer and turned it on. He decided to look in the fridge to see if there was anything he could feed Larry. "So, Rick's pretty busy these days, isn't he," Larry stated as he appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. He startled Mike who was rooting through the fridge. Mike closed the fridge door, turned around and gasped out loud. Larry was standing there holding BOTH dumbells in his hands. Mike had never seen Rick use BOTH of them. "Y-Yeah," Mike gasped as he trained his eyes on Larry's biceps as he started to curl the two fifty pounders, both at the same time. Larry stepped over to the middle of the kitchen as he pumped out three, four, five, six repetitions. Mike was trembling at the sight of such power. Larry continued ... nine, ten, eleven, twelve ... "WOW!" Mike exclaimed. "Rick never does any more than twelve, with ONE!" Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen ... "Well Rick is Rick," Larry stated as he leaned over and gently placed the dumbells on the floor. He held out an arm, pumped up his biceps and patted the sweat off them with a couple of fingers. He then raised the other arm up and did the same thing. Mike just gocked as he felt his stomach knotting up and his groin starting to ache. He desperately wanted to feel Larry's biceps. "C-Can I ..." Mike said timidly as he took a step toward Larry. Suddenly Larry reached down, picked up the two bells and started curling again. Mike stopped dead in his tracks and gazed at the magnificent muscle man with desire. Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen ... Mike was shaking, he was so overcome by the display of power before him. As Larry placed the dumbells back on the floor, Mike walked fearfully up to him, ready to beg to feel his muscles. He was so horny he thought he might have to leave the room and go and masturbate. He was losing control of himself. Larry gazed at Mike as Mike approached him nervously. He leaned against the kitchen table and sat on the edge, stretching his legs out a bit in front of him. He raised his powerful arms and struck a magnificent double biceps pose for Mike, and winked into his longing eyes. "OH LARRY!" Mike cried out, almost in agony. "You're so magnificent! I c- can't, I-I-I ..." He suddenly collapsed on the floor at Larry's feet and wrapped his arms around one of his thick muscular legs snugly enveloped in blue jean. He sobbed as he reached up and placed a hand around Larry's glutes and squeezed. "Larry," Mike sputtered as he clung tightly to his leg and looked up with tears rolling down his cheeks. "You're so incredibly powerful! I want you so badly! I want you to rape me!" Larry reached down and placed a hand under Mike's chin as he continued to sob deliriously. He slowly but firmly forced Mike up off his knees, pulling up under his chin. Mike stumbled awkwardly over Larry's legs as Larry raised him up to his feet. Larry's other hand was resting on the table. He raised it briefly up to Mike's face and wiped away the tears. "I c-can't help it, Larry," Mike sobbed. "I just can't control myself!" Larry continued to hold firmly onto Mike's chin with one hand as he placed the other one back on the table. He gently pulled Mike's face close to his own, glanced back and forth into Mike's eyes and plunged his beautiful sexy lips into Mike's. Mike sighed nervously as he placed his hands on both of Larry's arms and tried to hold onto his biceps. As Larry continued to hold Mike's face in his hand, he immersed his cool wet tongue deep into Mike's mouth. Mike writhed with ecstasy as he slowly moved his hands up Larry's arms up onto his boulder like shoulders. Larry gently withdrew his juicy tongue from Mike's trembling lips and raised Mike's face away from his while still resting his other hand on the table. The two of them gazed longingly into each other's eyes. Mike lowered his hands down on to Larry's pectorals as Larry stood up and released his hand from Mike's chin. "I've gotta go," Larry whispered softly as he wiped another tear from Mike's eyes. "Oh please don't," Mike begged as he shoved himself up against Larry and wrapped his arms around him. "Please stay! Please!" Larry placed his powerful hands around Mike's slender upper arms and squeezed tight. "I gotta go, Mike," Larry repeated tenderly. "One of my mares is foaling and I need to be there," he added while gently pushing Mike away from him. Mike looked pleadingly into his eyes as he released his hands from his gorgeous physique. He was devastated! He was embarrassed! "Larry?" Mike asked timidly. "Yeah?" Larry answered supportively. "Please don't tell Rick!" Larry raised his arms up and perched his hands on Mike's tender shoulders. He pulled Mike close to him, raised his hands up around Mike's face and planted his lips on Mike's again. Mike squirmed passionately as Larry plunged his tongue into his mouth and wriggled it around Mike's. He then released Mike, stood up and walked over to the dryer to fetch his tee shirt. Mike watched longingly as Larry quickly donned his tee shirt, tucked it neatly into his blue jeans and glanced back at Mike smiling. He then headed for the back door where his boots were and Mike followed despondently. "I'd like to do those push ups again, Mike," Larry declared as he slipped on his boots. "I can really feel the burn in my pecs," he added while looking down and massaging his chest. He acted as though everything was okay. Mike felt reassured that he wouldn't tell Rick. Mike opened the door for Larry and stood aside to let him walk out onto the veranda. He wished he wasn't leaving, but decided that it was probably best. As Mike followed Larry to the top of the stairs, Larry turned to him, placed a hand under his chin again and planted his juicy lips on Mike's cheek. "Bye, soldier," Larry whispered into Mike's ear, sending tickling sensations down his spine. "You take good care of Rick, you hear!" "Yes, Larry," Mike replied calmly as Larry descended the stairs gracefully, his glutes shifting from side to side with each step. He sauntered over to the Mercedes, opened the door and hopped in. After turning the engine on, he rolled down his window and waved at Mike. Mike watched as the Mercedes disappeared down the driveway. He ran back into the chalet to the livingroom window and watched Larry drive down the road and vanish over a hill. CHAPTER ELEVEN Half an hour ticked by as Mike sat quietly staring out the window, wishing Larry would drive back over the hill and up to the chalet. He hoped so much that he could see Larry again, alone. Rick was so busy all the time that it may just be possible. But he didn't know what Larry thought about what had happened. He knew, however, that Larry liked him. Rick was right again! He had said that the two of them would probably really like each other. As dusk descended on the chalet, Rick finally arrived back home. He drove up the driveway as Mike rushed around and turned some lights on. It was dark inside. He heard the car door slam, and Rick's boots stomping up the stairs and across the veranda. He ran to the door and opened it for him. "Hi, Rick," "Hi! Where's Larry?" "He had to go home. He said something about one of his mares foaling." "That doesn't surprise me," Rick stated as he wrapped his arms around Mike and kissed him on the nose. "He's always got something going on with those horses of his. "So, what was wrong at the gym," Mike asked curiously as he followed Rick over to the dining room table where he sat down and removed his boots. "Oh, nothing important," Rick answered unconcerned. "How about a glass of wine before dinner?" "Okay," Mike replied and stepped into the kitchen to pour a couple of glasses. "Rick?" "Yeah?" "What is that Stallion stuff that you sold to Larry," Mike asked unexpectedly as he handed Larry his glass of wine and sat down at the table with him. "Uh," Rick uttered as he looked at Mike with surprise. "It's, uh, special bodybuilding proteins that I get from California." "So why are you selling it? And why is it so expensive?" "MIKE!" Rick exclaimed with annoyance. "What is this first degree treatment?" "It's steroids, isn't it?" Rick laughed condescendingly and took another sip of his wine. Mike looked him in the eyes with determination. Rick placed his glass back on the table, wiped his lips with the back of his hand and smiled. "What you don't know won't hurt you," he announced as he rose from his chair, picked up his boots and walked over to the closet by the door and plunked them inside. Mike was upset with him, and he knew it. "Aw, Rick! You're going to get into trouble!" Rick walked back over to Mike, placed his hands under Mike's arm pits and picked him right up out of the chair. He squeezed him with his arms and planted his lips into Mike's. The two of them necked for a minute as Mike squirmed in Rick's embrace. His arms were trapped together against Rick's powerful chest. "Subject closed," Rick whispered softly as he released his lips and looked back and forth in Mike's eyes. "What's for dinner," he asked as he released Mike and playfully tucked Mike's head under his arm and held him tight in a half Nelson. Mike reacted by starting to tickle Rick around the stomach. Rick didn't flinch. He wasn't ticklish at all. "What's for dinner," Rick teased as he flexed his rock hard abodominals in defiance of Mike's tickling. He squeezed Mike's head again under his arm, warning Mike not to tickle anymore. "Spaghetti," Mike blurted out in submission. "SPAGHETTI?" Rick exclaimed with displeasure in his voice. He squeezed Mike's head again. "R-I-C-K!" With that Rick let go and slapped Mike on his ass. The two of them went into the kitchen and started preparing dinner together. Mike was still thinking about the steroids, but he didn't dare bring it up again. It was a lost cause. Rick wouldn't talk about it and would probably get irritated with him. When they went to bed that night, Mike watched from under the sheets as Rick stripped. He was still wearing the sexy posing trunks that Larry had given him. After tugging them off, he held them up for Mike to look at. "That Larry's got good taste, doesn't he," Rick declared as he folded up the trunks and placed them in his dresser drawer. "He sure does," Mike responded as thoughts of Larry returned to him. "I really like him, Rick! He's a super guy!" "He sure is," Rick answered as he crawled under the sheets and snuggled up to Mike. "Like I said, I owe him everything!" "I'd like to have him over for dinner some night," Mike suggested. "Do you think he'd like that?" "Sure he would," Rick replied as he reached up and turned out the lamp. "And he's on holidays now, so he'll have lots of time." "Oh? Too bad YOU weren't on holidays, too," Mike retorted. Then his imagination started to wander as he thought of Larry just down the road. "Oh well," Rick started. "You just have him over, and if I'm available, I'll be here too." "That's just it Rick! When you're 'available'. You're never going to be available ..." "Hey!" Rick said with disappointment and withdrew his arms from around Mike. He turned over with his back facing Mike and shifted his legs around. "Let's not get into that again!" "I'm sorry," Mike answered regretfully as he reached out to put his arms around Rick and snuggle up to him. "Please forgive me?" Rick turned around again and gently placed Mike's face in his hands and kissed him on the lips. "You'd better get used to it, Mike," Rick said softly and then rolled over again with his back to Mike. Mike laid there with his arms wrapped around Rick's beautiful back and shoulders. Soon he began to wish that it was Larry who he had his arms wrapped around. He kept remembering Larry's beautiful lips as they embraced earlier in the day. And he started wondering how he could get to see him again. Monday morning brought bright sunshine and a cool north breeze. The rain and clouds had moved on and the air was crisp and fresh. As Mike prepared breakfast, Rick strolled into the kitchen and noticed his dumbells in the corner. Mike always left the dumbells wherever they were because he couldn't budge them. "I see Larry was doing some pumping up for you," Rick asked with a grin on his face. "He's pretty fucking strong, isn't he?" "You're not kidding," Mike exclaimed innocently. "I couldn't believe my eyes." Rick picked up the dumbells and carried them off into the bedroom. When he returned to the kitchen, Mike was putting his breakfast on the table. "You should invite yourself over for a visit," Rick suggested as the two sat eating at the table. "Larry loves to show off his horses." "Well, I don't want to intrude." "Aw, don't worry about that! Just call him and tell him I said you should drop over to see him." "Well, maybe," Mike replied. He started to get nervous talking about Larry. Here was Rick telling him to go and visit him. He would really love to do that. They finished breakfast and Rick dressed up in his uniform for work. Mike adored saying goodbye to his soldier each morning. Rick looked like a million dollars, always. But as soon as Rick disappeared down the driveway, Mike started wondering whether he should phone Larry. He debated it all morning. By the time the afternoon had rolled around, Mike had decided not to call Larry. He figured that Larry might not like him pursuing him so eagerly. It would be best to leave him alone for awhile. He would have him over for dinner, first. And he'd need to make it Saturday night so that Rick would at least have the chance to be there. Suddenly Mike realized that Rick hadn't phoned. He usually did during his lunch break. He had probably gotten involved in something. Mike spent the afternoon washing his car. Rick would be pleased to see that he was taking care of it. Rick often went straight to the gym after work, without coming home for dinner. But he always called to let Mike know what he was doing. At five o'clock, Mike started to become concerned when Rick hadn't called. For one thing, he didn't know whether to prepare a meal for him. And it was unusual that he hadn't called. Mike never called Rick at work, or at the gym. He didn't want to pester him, and he didn't want anyone getting suspicious. Six o'clock rolled by and Rick still hadn't called. Mike was pacing the floor. DING-A-LING-A-LING! Mike sighed with relief as he raced to the telephone in the kitchen. DING-A-LING-A-LING! Mike waited a second as he thought about how to react to whatever the problem was. He had to make a concerted effort not to get upset about Rick not calling earlier. "Hello," Mike said pleasantly. "Hi Mike! It's Larry!" Mike was totally surprised to hear the General's voice. But suddenly he thought that something must be wrong with Rick. "Hi Larry! H-How are you?" Mike asked with uncertainty. "Well, not so good, Mike! I've got some bad news to tell you!" "Wh-what's wrong? There's something wrong with Rick, isn't there," Mike responded anxiously. "Well, uh ..." "What is it, Larry," Mike demanded as he started to feel panic setting in. "Mike! Rick was arrested today. He's in detention at the county jail." "ARRESTED!" Mike hollered over the phone. "What do you mean? It's those damned steroids, isn't it Larry? I KNEW they were steroids!" "Mike! Mike! Hold on!" Larry tried to calm him down. "Just relax, okay?" "Okay, okay," Mike agreed as tears began to tumble down his cheeks. "But, but ..." "Mike, I'm going to the bail hearing tomorrow. Rick asked me to phone you and explain. He said he was too ashamed to talk to you." "This is so horrible," Mike sobbed as he tried to regain his composure. "What will happen to him?" "Well, we'll just have to wait and see. They'll probably grant him bail, so you'll be able to be with him!" "Oh, Larry! This is so terrible! Poor Rick!" "Yeah! I know! I'm really concerned about him! But you just take it easy, okay? I'll drop by after the hearing tomorrow, and maybe Rick will be with me. Okay?" "Okay, Larry! Thanks!" "And if you need anything, just call me, okay?" "Yes! I will! Thankyou for calling Larry!" Mike hung up the phone and sat down at the kitchen table, dumbstruck by the news about Rick. He was worried sick about him. He wished he could talk to him. And what would this mean for Rick? Would he be put in prison? For how long? Mike broke down into tears and sat at the table for nearly an hour sobbing and worrying. Suddenly Mike heard a car coming up the driveway and park below the veranda. Two doors slammed as he ran to the window to look out. Maybe it was Larry! He was shocked to see a police car parked beside his car and two policemen heading towards the steps up to the veranda. Mike quickly wiped his eyes, opened up the door and walked across the veranda to greet the officers. One of them reached the top of the stairs, reached into his pocket and held up a piece of paper. "We have a warrant to search this residence," the policeman stated as he walked past Mike and strutted into the chalet. The other one followed and left Mike out on the veranda. "We have reason to believe that there are illegal drugs here. Do you know anything about this?" "I-I ... what kind of drugs?" Mike said as he stepped inside, closed the door behind him and looked at the officer with fear in his heart. "Steroids, called Stallion, imported from Bulgaria," the officer stated authoritatively. "You'll have to tell us where they are if you know. You could be implicated if you don't!" "I don't know anything," Mike blurted out as he started to sob again. He didn't know where Rick had hid the Stallion, so it was best not to say anything. "I never saw any!" "Well, we'll just have to rip this place apart, won't we," the officer announced as he directed his partner to search the bedroom. "You'll have a bit of house cleaning to do, sweetheart," he added with a smirk on his face as he looked Mike over and shook his head with disgust. "Your boyfriend's in a lot of trouble!" Mike was completely dismayed with what was happening. He dared not say anything, either, or he risked getting into trouble. He followed the officer into Rick's study and watched him open the closet door and start tossing things out into the middle of the room. "I've got a good nose for these things," the officer stated proudly as he looked around at Mike and held up one of the small boxes of Stallion. He put both arms into the closet and hauled out a huge box, filled to the brim with the steroids. "There must be ten grand worth here. Mike was shaking as the other officer entered the room and the two of them hauled the box up onto Rick's desk. "Now we'll have a look at his finances, if you don't mind," the senior officer declared as he grinned at Mike and then sat down to the desk in Rick's chair. He pulled open a drawer and lifted out Rick's leather portfolio with all the money and cheques in it. "BINGO!" the officer declared as he fingered through the stuff that Rick had forgotten to take to the bank. "Another ten grand in here! Wow!" Mike just stood by watching, and trembling, as the officers rooted through all the drawers. Finally they grabbed the big box and carried it out to the veranda. Mike followed them nervously as he tried to keep his cool. The less he said, the better! The police officers tossed the box into the trunk of their car, hopped into the car and started up the engine. Mike gazed down at them fretfully as they turned the car around and took off down the driveway. He just stood there, leaning against the railing trying to get a hold of himself. As he walked back into the chalet and closed the door behind him, he broke down and started to cry. He had to call Larry. "Hi, Larry," Mike said despondently after Larry answered the other end of the line. "Sorry to bother you." "That's okay, Mike. Everything okay?" "Well, I don't know! The police were just here. They found Rick's stuff! They said there was at least ten thousand dollars worth! "That doesn't sound too good," Larry replied with disappointment. "Are you okay? It must have been upsetting for you!" "Yeah! I guess so," Mike answered. It made him feel good that Larry cared about him. "What does all this mean now? They talked to me as though I might be in trouble. And I don't know anything about it. I'm worried, Larry!" "You just hang on to your hat, soldier!" "Yes, sir," Mike responded sadly. "I just feel so, so helpless!" "Well, Mike. We can only take it one step at a time. I'll see you tomorrow after the bail hearing." "Okay Larry!" "And you call me again if you need to. Don't hesitate!" "Thanks!" Mike hung up the phone and started to cry again. Poor Rick! What would they do to him? He was such a gorgeous beautiful guy. Mike couldn't bare the thought of him being incarcerated! The evening went by extremely slowly for Mike. At nine thirty he had another crying spell. That was the time Rick usually came home from the gym. All Mike could think about was his gorgeous bodybuilding soldier opening up the door, dropping his gym bag on the floor and slipping off his boots. DING-A-LING-A-LING! "Who is THIS going to be'" Mike retorted out loud to himself as he walked slowly over to the kitchen to answer the phone. DING-A-LING-A-LING! "Yes," Mike answered with annoyance as he placed the telephone receiver up to his ear. "Hi Mike!" It was Rick! "R-I-C-K! Oh, god! Are you okay?" "Yeah, Mike! I'm okay! Please forgive me?" "Oh, Rick," Mike sobbed into the phone. "How can I not? You mean so much to me! I've been worried sick about you!" "I'll be okay," Rick said softly into the phone. "I just wanted to hear your voice." "What's going to happen to you? I'll go crazy if you have to go to prison!" "It'll be okay, Mike! I might be coming home tomorrow!" "Yeah, but what if they don't let you? What will they do with you?" "Mike! If anything goes wrong, I asked Larry to keep an eye on you. We'll just have to wait and see. But Larry will take care of you if things don't work out. Okay?" "Aw, Rick! This is so horrible! You know, the cops came and searched the place earlier? They found your stuff!" "Oh, I figured they would. And I wasn't going to ask you to hide them or anything. I just didn't want you to get into trouble, too. Do you understand?" "Yes, Rick!" "I love you, Mike!" "I love you too, Rick! I love you so much!" "Everything will work out! You wait and see, Mike! I have to go now." "Bye, Rick!" "Bye, Mike! I love you!" Mike hung up the phone and broke into uncontrollable tears. He went to the empty bed, crawled in and cried all through the night, clutching Rick's pillow. He'd never missed him so much. All he could think about was Rick locked up in jail. It broke his heart! CHAPTER TWELVE Mike woke up to a bright sunny morning. The birds were chirping and the wind gusted menacingly around the chalet. It was a cool November day. And cold reality set in quickly as Mike lay in bed with his arms wrapped around Rick's pillow. He wondered if Rick would be snuggling up to him that night, and what the following days and weeks would bring to them. He didn't have the slightest idea what kind of charges would be laid, or what the penalties would be. Would Rick really have to go to prison? What would happen to him if Rick did go to jail, Mike wondered to himself. Would he be able to stay in the chalet? Would he need to find another job? How long would Rick be away? Would he be the same when he came back? All these questions haunted Mike as he stretched under the covers and tried to catch a few more winks. DING-A-LING-A-LING! The ringing of the telephone cut through the emptiness that Mike found himself sinking into. He just laid in the bed trying to decide whether or not to answer. DING-A-LING-A-LING! Mike reluctantly crawled out from under the sheets and reached for the phone. He felt despondent and lonely. "Hello," he mumbled into the receiver. "Hi, Mike," greeted the deep voice at the other end. "HI, LARRY!" Mike piped up, feeling almost saved from his depression. "How are you?" "I'm fine, Mike! My question is how are YOU?" "Oh, I guess I'll be alright," Mike responded, feeling a bit more positive after hearing Larry's supportive voice. "Well, I just thought I'd check up on you. Are you going to be okay?" "Yeah! I'll manage," Mike tried to assure him. "Thank you for being concerned about me! I really appreciate that. I don't know what I'd do without you right now." "Well, Rick asked me to watch out for you." Mike started feeling even more confident as he heard Larry comforting him. He wished Larry was there with him now. He wished he could hug his magnificent powerful body as tightly as he possibly could. "So you'll be coming by after the hearing," Mike asked. "You bet! I called you because I'll be gone most of the day. But I'll be there probably about three thirty, okay?" "I sure hope Rick's with you," Mike sighed. "I do too, Mike! He will be! Don't worry!" "Thanks, Larry!" "Bye for now!" "Bye!" Mike finally decided to get up for the day. Talking to Larry had cheered him up and he figured he would make a fabulous dinner for him and Rick that evening. He spent the morning dusting and vacuuming and tidying up the house while he thought of what he could cook. By noon, Mike had decided on a roast of beef. He zipped out in the car to the grocery store and bought all the items he needed. He rushed home and prepared everything so that the succulent flavours of the roast would be wafting through the chalet when Larry brought Rick home. He polished the dining room table and set up fancy placings for three. They would at least celebrate Rick being home, for a while anyway. Mike was nervous, too. He wasn't sure how he would react when he saw Rick. He was afraid he would start to cry right away. Rick wouldn't like that. He'd be embarrassed! And he began wondering all over again about what their lives would be like now. How serious were the charges Rick faced? As three thirty drew nearer, Mike became more and more tense. He was so nervous that he had to take some bromo seltzer because his stomach was so upset. Larry would be coming up the driveway any minute. BEEP! BEEP! Mike dashed to the window to see Larry's car drive up. When the Mercedes pulled up and parked beside Mike's car, his heart moaned with sorrow. Rick wasn't there! Larry was alone! Where was Rick? Mike ran out on the veranda and stood at the top of the stairs waiting for Larry to get out of the car. The car door opened and Larry stepped out, dressed in smart looking navy blue suit with a tie. He was startling handsome! Mike stared down at Larry as he slammed the car door and waved up to him. He walked confidently over to the stairs. "Larry? Where's Rick?" Mike cried out with disappointment. "What's wrong?" Larry jogged up the stairs looking up at Mike without saying anything. When he reached the top, he wrapped his arms around Mike and held him in his warm embrace. "He's not coming back, Mike!" Mike broke down and started to cry on Larry's shoulder. Larry swayed him gently back and forth in his arms trying to comfort him. He carefully brushed Mike's hair back with his fingers to help calm him down. He took Mike's face in his hands and kissed the top of his forehead and started to lead Mike back inside while holding him. "What happened," Mike sobbed as Larry held him close and guided him through the doorway. "The judge refused bail! There's nothing we can do now, except wait." "But what will they do with Rick," Mike sputtered as he tried to blow his nose with a kleenex. "They've already taken him away, to Montpelier!" "MONTPELIER! That's two hundred miles away," Mike yelled out with despair. "Poor Rick! What's going to happen to him?" "Calm down, Mike," Larry said softly as he shut the door behind them and gently rocked Mike back and forth in his arms again. "You need to keep your head! Let's sit down and talk for awhile." "Okay," Mike sobbed as he laid his head on Larry's shoulder and hugged him tightly. "We can have dinner. Are you hungry?" "I sure am," Larry answered cheerfully as he sniffed the air. "And especially after catching a whiff of that roast. It smells delicious!" Mike released himself slowly from Larry's embrace and led him into the kitchen. Larry started to untie his tie as Mike opened the oven door to show him the roast. "Ummmmmm! That smells divine," Larry remarked as he slipped his tie out from under his collar. He folded it up and shoved it in his jacket pocket. Then he started to remove the jacket. "Here! Let me take that," Mike piped up and stepped up to Larry to take his jacket from him. He held the jacket up as Larry removed his arms and undid a couple of shirt buttons. "You look really handsome in this suit, Larry," Mike continued as he stared down at Larry's massive biceps bulging out from under the short sleeves. "I'll hang this up for you. You sit down at the dining room table and I'll pour us a glass of wine." "Okay! That sounds great," Larry replied as he followed Mike to the closet instead of going to the table. "You'll stay for dinner, too," Mike insisted, seeming to have regained his composure. "I wanted to have a wonderful meal for Rick to come home to, but I guess, I guess ... Oh Larry! Please stay!" "Sure Mike," Larry answered supportively as he leaned up against the wall beside Mike and watched him hanging up his jacket and tie. "I'll stay with you for awhile." "I'm so glad," Mike nervously exclaimed as his voice started to tremble and tears welled up in his eyes. "I'm so glad you're here!" He started crying again and Larry held him firmly in his arms. "What am I going to do," Mike sobbed. "What am I going to do out here all alone?" "You'll be just fine, Mike," Larry consoled as he placed his hands on Mike's shoulders and stood him up straight and looked back and forth into his eyes. "Come on! Let's have some of that fabulous roast!" Larry sat down to the table and poured their wine while Mike put together the meal in the kitchen. In a few minutes the two were eating heartily and imbibing their wine. Mike decided to light some candles. He gazed at Larry's beautiful blue eyes as they twinkled in the flickering light. Larry talked to Mike and tried to comfort him throughout dinner. Mike was very shocked when Larry suddenly told him that he might be forced to discharge Rick. It was something he would hate to do, but the military would probably come down hard on Rick. He would definitely be stripped of his duties, and possibly never be allowed to fly again. Both Larry and Mike were worried about Rick. He would be devastated. When Mike eventually cleared the table of dishes, Larry stayed for one last glass of wine. He understood the despair Mike must have been feeling. And he knew that his being there was helping Mike. He hated to leave him, but decided it was best. "Well, it's time for me to head on home!" Mike bowed his head and stood in silence as Larry stood up from the table. Larry reached out, placed his hand under Mike's chin and lifted his face up so that his eyes looked straight at him. Mike tried to smile but it was just too hard. Larry removed his hand and started walking over to the closet to fetch his jacket. He opened up the closet door, grabbed the jacket and put it on as Mike sauntered over to say goodbye. "I'll drop by tomorrow, Mike," Larry announced as he opened the back door. He looked at Mike who appeared so forlorn because he was leaving. "Hey! Come here!" Mike moved closer to Larry and started to cry again. Larry wrapped himself around him and hugged him gently, but firmly. Mike wiped the tears from his eyes and gazed into Larry's eyes with a destitute look in his eyes. Larry pressed his lips into Mike's and sighed as he rubbed Mike's shoulders. Mike collapsed in his arms helplessly. Larry pulled himself away from Mike, kissed him on the cheek and stepped out onto the veranda. Mike followed him to the top of the stairs and watched as he climbed down, headed over to the Mercedes and hopped in. It was dark now, so Larry turned on the headlights and Mike couldn't see him anymore. The car turned around, Larry honked and off he went down the driveway. The evening was long after Larry left. Mike slowly tidied up the kitchen and washed all the dishes. When he was all done, he just sat in the living room in front of the television and vegetated. He never watched the television, but needed to fill the void somehow. There was no Rick! That night Mike tossed and turned again. He kept imagining Rick in some dirty prison being treated badly by mean security guards. Larry had said that he could possibly be in there for as much as three or four years, even with good behaviour. It somehow all seemed like a bad dream. Surely this wasn't true! Mike clung longingly to Rick's pillow as he began to doze off. He started thinking about Larry and how wonderful he was being to him. Without Larry he would be lost. Without Larry he would be so alone and so helpless. Without Larry ... without Larry ... The morning brought another crisp sunny day. Mike woke up still thinking about Larry and wondering what time he would be coming over. He simply said he'd drop by. So Mike decided to get up right away and get dressed. He felt a bit more secure now. He couldn't wait to see Larry. But as he wandered around the house aimlessly, Mike regressed into a state of depression as he looked at all of Rick's things and imagined him walking around the house, laughing and joking. After a while, Mike gave up trying to keep himself occupied. He went to the stereo, shoved in Rick's posing tape and collapsed on the sofa. As the music started, Mike burst into tears, thinking about how Rick wouldn't be in the Mr. Vermont contest. It was so sad! His Lieutenant Colonel was in prison! Mike played the tape over and over again as he fell deeper and deeper into despair. He cried and cried for Rick and imagined him standing on the coffee table over him, posing his marvellous physique. Finally he let the tape run out and just laid on the sofa with his arms crossed, gazing mindlessly out the window at the bare trees bending in the wind. "Mike," a voice yelled from outside the back of the house. Mike sat up to listen more carefully. He didn't think he'd imagined it. "Mike," the voice cried out again. This time Mike knew someone was outside. He jumped up, dashed to the window and looked outside. There at the top of the driveway, sitting on a magnificent dark brown horse, was Larry. Mike grabbed his black leather jacket while opening the door, ran out onto the veranda and skipped down the stairs excitedly. He ran over to Larry who remained in his saddle. As Mike approached, he could hear the creaking leather as Larry shifted his gorgeous glutes around and tugged gently at the reins. His horse turned slowly around. That creaking sound sent chills up and down Mike's spine like never before. "Howdy, partner," Larry greeted with a huge smile gleeming under his sexy moustache. He shifted his buttocks in the saddle again and the leather creaked sensuously. Mike stood below him gazing up in awe. Larry was a prince! He was a knight! He was the sexiest man in the world! "Hi, Larry," Mike responded with a big grin on his face. He looked Larry over, from head to toe. He was wearing his sexy boots again and had his feet in the stirrups. His snugly fitting blue jeans were a brilliant sky blue and oozed with his muscular legs. His basket rested precariously on the saddle as he held the reins and rested his thick hairy hands on the saddle horn. He wore a snug white tee shirt and had a chestnut brown leather jacket on. He shifted his legs, tugged gently at the reins again and creaked voluptuously with rich bounteous masculinity. Mike weakened as he stared up at the manhood towering over him. As he caught his eye, Larry winked at him. "I could hear Rick's music from out here," Larry stated with concern. "Hop on! You're coming with me!" Mike stepped up to the horse as Larry removed his foot from the stirrup. He lowered his arm and reached out for Mike to grab a hold of him. Mike put a foot up into the stirrup, grabbed Larry's hand and jumped up into the saddle with Larry, his legs snugly tucked in behind Larry's. Larry moved forward in the saddle and it creaked wildly as the two got comfortable in the saddle. Mike wrapped his arms around Larry's powerful torso, under his sexy leather jacket. He squeezed Larry tight as the masculine hunk tugged more firmly at the reins and guided the horse down the driveway. Halfway down, Larry halted the horse, turned around in the saddle and planted his glorious lips on Mike's. He plunged his tongue deep into Mike's tingling mouth and hugged him tightly. Mike gasped as Larry released his lips, turned around and tugged at the reins again. Off they trotted. "I'm breaking in a young stallion today," Larry announced proudly. "Oh, yeah?" Mike replied enthusiastically, his arms wrapped tighly around Larry's rock hard waist. "Can I watch you?" "Hold on tight!" Larry yelled as he kicked his heels in and the horse broke into a fast gallop down the dirt road. Mike held on to Larry for dear life as he pressed his body firmly up to his backside and smiled contentedly to himself. He could have ridden to Timbuktu with Larry. This was heaven! Suddenly Larry returned his horse to a trot and shifted his glutes in the creaking saddle. Mike's cock stiffened as Larry's glutes flexed around his basket. Mike reached farther up the front of Larry's torso and placed his hands across his massive pectorals. Larry squeezed his arms against his sides and trapped Mike's arms. He liked to tease, too. "You've never seen a man break a horse, have you," Larry said matter-of-factly as he held Mike's arms captive at his side. His horse trotted along nonchalantly. "N-No! I never have," Mike replied anxiously. "Why?" Larry just chuckled as he released Mike's arms and they continued to trot down the road. Mike sighed to himself as he looked at the back of Larry's handsome head. He wanted to reach up and put his arms around his magnificent shoulders. But he dared not let go of his waist for fear of falling off. They didn't speak for a few minutes until Larry suddenly turned a bit in the saddle and looked at Mike with inquisitive eyes. "You're a bowler, aren't you," Larry asked. "Uh, I guess you might ..." "Rick told me that's how you two met. And he won a thousand dollars that night!" "Well, yeah," Mike answered with a puzzled voice, wondering what bowling had to do with breaking in a horse. "As soon as I heard that Rick won that money, I joined the league. My first game is tomorrow night." Mike was flabergasted! He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't say anything at all. "I want you to sign up too," Larry declared as he turned around again in the saddle and flipped the reins lightly. "I'll pick you up at five o'clock!" There was no way Mike could get out of it. If he said no, Larry would just think he was wallowing in self pity. Larry was trying to get Mike interested in something. But all Mike was interested in at this point in time was seeing Larry break in a wild young stallion. "S-u-r-e," Mike agreed with misgiving in his voice. What would the girls think of him? First he disappears off into the night with the Lieutenant who had scored a perfect game. Then he isn't seen for three or four weeks, and suddenly he shows up with a General. They'd flip! "I'm supposed to meet two women called Sheila and Claire something-a-ruther," Larry explained. "I'm looking forward to it." "Larry?" Mike asked firmly. "Yeah, Mike?" "Promise me something?" "What's that," Larry replied curiously. "Promise me that you won't get a perfect score!" Larry paused for a moment and tugged at the reins and directed his horse off the road onto a long winding dirt driveway. Mike could see the ranch hidden behind some trees in the distance. "But, Mike," Larry responded confidently as he turned and looked at Mike through the corner of one of his gorgeous twinkling blue eyes. "That's why I signed up!" With that, Larry suddenly drove his heels into the side of his horse. His horse reared up, ready to gallop off, and Larry yanked powerfully at the reins. The horse whinnied furiously as Larry pulled the slack of the reins in tighter. His horse stood high on his hind legs waving his legs about frantically. Mike's hands slipped up from Larry's waist as he fell backwards, and he grabbed onto Larry's thick muscular rock hard Latissimus Dorsi, closing his eyes in fear. When Larry finally loosened the reins, the horse galloped madly up the driveway toward the ranch house. Suddenly Larry yanked at the reins again, his horse came to an immediate halt and Larry leaped out of the saddle. He jumped down to the ground, reached up to Mike and pulled him off the horse. Mike was visibly shaken. He gasped as Larry flung him over his shoulder and wrapped one arm around his legs. Larry then grabbed his horse's reins and led him up to the front door while Mike squirmed and kicked helplessly. "YOU BRUTE!" Mike yelled at him, enjoying every delicious moment. "Let me down, right now!" Larry ignored him and, with one hand, tied his horse up at the front porch, shifted Mike about on his shoulders and carried him through the front door. "LET ME DOWN!" Mike hollered, exasperated. Larry slammed the door behind him and secured the latch. The wind howled, and the young stallions in the barn grew restless. Chapter Thirteen by Anonymous Larry kicked off his shoes and with Rick still hoisted on his shoulders, went into the living room where he deposited a giggling Mike onto the sofa. Mike propped himself upon his elbow and looked up longingly at Larry trying to read his expression. Larry winked at him and went off to the kitchen to get them something to drink. Mike was alone with his thoughts once more and the pain of the last few days flooded back. What did all this mean he pondered; was he not going to see Rick again? Montepelier was over two hundred miles away but it was his duty to be there. Rick had done so much for him. His thoughts were broken as Larry returned with some beers minus his shirt and riding pants. Mike sucked in air sharply and visibly flinched as his eyes traveled up from Larry's basket to his face and saw the mischief playing in the corner of his eyes. Larry emptied his glass in one swig, he moved over to the hallway and with a curled finger he beckoned Mike to follow him. Mike willingly obliged. Larry put a hand around his waist and pulled him closer. Their lips met in with ugency that was reflected by the heat which burned between them. Mike wrapped his legs around Larry's waist as he effortless carried him over to the king size bed. Mike lay expectantly as his lover removed his clothes as well as his own. He could only dare dream of this moment as Larry, like a titanic warrior stood before him with muscles bulging in every area and a huge cock which demanded attention. Larry lowered himself on Mike gently as Mike savoured the moment. He felt dwarfed and powerless and this excited him to no end. Larry's calloused fingers on his nipples caused him to gasp and his tongue trailed waves of pleasure across Mike's abdomen. Low moans escaped Mike's lips as he writhed in pleasure. He moved lower and licked at the hair above Mike's cock. An expectancy engulfed Mike as he knew what was coming. It froze his body and he awaited the welcomed assualt on his manhood. Larry knew this and moved his lips away from Mike's cock. Desire mounted and Mike pushed his hips higher trying to enter Larry's mouth. He wanted to say something but knew better. Outside, the wind howled and the leaves scuffled around the yard. Mike was oblivious to all of this as a mellow feeling numbed his consciousness. Larry gently massaged his balls as cum stirred within them. The inevitable approach as Mike gasped as Larry's mouth covered his throbbing cock head. He moaned uncontrollably as Larry made firm delightful strokes along his shaft. It was hard to keep control now and Mike knew it. It felt like his nuts would burst in a minute. Larry glanced up at his heaving chest and smiled inwardly as Mike toes wiggled in pleasure beneath Larry's crotch. Larry stroked himself slowly and raised Mike's leg and let his tongue trail along his balls into the perenium. Ripples of pleasure washed over Mike as Larry's tongue explored his ass. He could not contain himself anymore and whispered, "Give it to me, Larry". Larry squeezed some lube into Mike and mounted him. Mike's eyes fluttered as the hard shaft entered his body. Larry had learnt well from his stallions as Mike's cries rose decibels again and again above the shreeking wind outside. Morning come with a glorious sunrise to welcome a new day after the passing storm. Mike rolled over to find Larry still asleep. It was amazing, Larry had emptied himself into him four times and Mike wondered if it was the steroids which made him so phenomenal. He kissed him on the back and the sleeping Larry murmered unintelligibly. Mike got bolder and licked the nape of his neck, Larry wiggled but continued sleeping. Mike's tongue entered his ears and that brought a sleepy grin to Larry's face as he awoke. "Aren't you the horny devil." he mused, "We have a full day today so let's get a move on." Mike was disappointed but he knew this was true. The hearing was at two pm in Montepellier and they had to be there. Larry got up kissed Mike and slapped him on the ass and went to take a shower. Mike got breakfast ready as Larry went to check on the horses. The mare whinnied as he approached and sniffed him anxiously. His smell was familiar and she calmed down after a few moments. Larry checked the foal and it was fine. It pranced away from his on stiff legs and he smiled at his new 'baby'. He was always proud when he had a successful birth as his earlier years were marred with miscarriages and deformities due to poor breeding. He fed the horses and released the stallions into pasture and returned to the house. Mike had the smell of poached eggs and ham wafting in the morning air. Larry's stomach rumbled and his groin got excited as he once more thought about last nites episode. They both ate like bears as they planned the day's schedule. Larry had to go to the base and would meet Mike at the Court House where the hearing would be held. At 1:30 pm they met in the parking lot. Mike was scared two-fold now; for the first time since the police had raided the house. He had lost Rick and now he had cheated on him after all he had done for him. With hesitant steps he walked beside Larry as they mounted the stairs. Larry kept a steel exterior that showed no emotion. The military had trained him well. The Court House was nearly empty except for the lawyers and a few friends. Mike felt relieved at seeing Rick nowhere in sight. His legs were still shaky. At 1:55 the door opened and the Judge entered. She looked stern faced and whispered to the Court Officer who announced the cases to be heard and then called the first one up. Rick's case would be number three. When he appeared Mike almost fainted. He had steal chains on his feet and the handcuffs were tight around his wrists. He was disaevelled and sleep deprived. Mike dropped his head in dispair. The charges were read and Rick looked over at Mike and Larry with a weak smile. He still had the most charming smile even in that predicament. Mike smiled back and Larry winked. The eyes in the Court House followed Rick's gaze and Mike blushed visibly as they fell on him. Rick's smile widened at this. The Lawyer's conversed with each other and entered a not guilty plea asking that the bill be reduced. The Judge refused citing the mobility of Rick was a factor since he could fly anywhere and was not yet found guilty. He was escorted out and received no chance to speak to his friends. Later that night, however, he called Larry and asked for Mike. He was informed that Mike was staying there for awhile and Rick was glad that he was not alone. Rick spoke to Mike for his alotted ten minutes and ended with "I love you's". Mike felt so guitly afterwards but Larry hugged him assuring him that it would be alright. The day of the trail saw only Mike at the Court since Larry had to be in Washington on business. The prosecution made Rick to be a deceiver and abuser of his special priviledges and wanted him incarcerated for the maximum seven years. Rick's lawyers knew that it was a cut and dry conviction and pleaded for him as it was his first offense. The Judge was adamant as the jury returned a guilty verdict two hours later. Rick recieved five years with the possibility of time off for good behavior. He was hussled away immediatly after the verdict was rendered. Mike visited him at the jail and talked with him. Rick was very sad and finally it appeared as though he was growing up as he recounted his mistakes. He held Mike's hand and asked him to wait for him. Mike didn't know what to say as he wrestled with his guilt. He whispered "yes" and Rick thought it was the pain of the situation which caused it. He would reflect on it in retrospect. He kissed Mike through the bars and squeezed his hand as the Sheriff approaced to escort Mike out. Rick would be allowed three visitors for week and Mike knew it would be hard to go there. He drove home with a heavy heart as the night closed in swiftly around him. Larry had a few more days until he returned to the farm and Mike was very sad to be alone. He hated it! He curled upon the sofa and went into a fitful sleep. Two days later Larry came home and Mike filled him in on the trial. Larry went to visit Mike on two occasions and work was always a problem. He was only free on weekends. Prisoners received no visitation on weekends since the jail was understaffed at that time. Larry told Mike not to be so hung up about it and just go when he wanted. Mike got angry at that comment and accused Larry of causing all of his guilt. Larry retorted that Mike was not dragged to bed and could leave at any time. Mike saw the same thing happening as it had with Rick. He didn't want that and apologized and hugged Larry. Larry held him close and squeezed him but said nothing. Meanwhile, three months passed and Rick was becoming accustomed to his new surroundings. His lawyers always looked out for him and were considering new evidence in his case. They asked him to tell no one as they were still investigating. Mike's visitation became less and less frequently. Rick began to worry. Mike didn't go back to the house and Rick was concerned. He called Larry several times with no answer. One day the lawyers did come with good news informing Rick that he would have a new hearing on the last Wednesday of the month. He called to give the news but neither Mike nor Larry were there. Rick was at a very low point and his friends, it appeared, seemed to have deserted him. The hearing came and the lawyers presented evidence to show the police had aquired a search warrant the day after they had searched Rick's house. No warrant had been presented to Mike when they visited. In addition, the five year sentence was not within the state's policy on a first offense. The Judge was asked to reconsider. The defense argued for community work with probation as a deterant and alternative to prison time. The Lawyers met with the Judge in her chambers and the defense's suggestion was agreed upon. Rick was elated when he recieved the notice. He was released to appear for the court for assessment for every month on leaving his own desire to get home. Rick's impounded Fierio was also turned over to him and the gunned the engine toward home. On reaching home he pulled up and entered the kitchen to find dirty dishes everywhere and his bedroom window was open. The storm had caused water damage to most of his furniture. Rick couldn't believe it. He went over to Larry's to look for Mike. Neither was at home. Rick saw the missing RV and knew Larry had gone camping. He drove over to the lake and there he met them. Both were suprised especially as Mike was setting all naked in Larry's lap at the hot tub. Rick was very angry. His words came in stutters. He shouted, "Is this how you repay me?! All my furniture is ruined from that damn opened window! Dishes are all over the bloody house!" "I thought you were different," he shouted. His anger spilt over to Larry, "So I see why you never visited, you were busy screwing him." He said nothing more. He slammed the door and left. Mike suddenly felt very cold. He shivered and Larry got up spilling Mike into the tub and got dressed. It was becoming a bitter afternoon and for the rest of the nite they were snapping at each other. Mike knew he could not go home now. Larry wasn't the same anymore. He had lost a good friend and Mike knew he blamed him even though he never said it. Mike decided to move out and find a place. He spent countless days looking for a job and got one at the architect's office on Main Street as an assessor. Eventually, he found a cheap studio appartment and called Rick to collect his stuff. Rick told him to do it while he was away. He didn't want to see me, Mike mused. Rick, too, was finding new employment. He was a pilot with a freight company and was loving it. Thank God his license was not taken away. Mike went to the house and grabbed his things. In the bedroom he remembered the fun times under those sheets. It hurt to think that that was over. He closed the door slowly and wrote a thank you note to Rick and then left. Rick too was moving on by leaps and bounds. He logged many flying hours and got paid well. He started to get his life changed and got back into the gym full time. With no interruptions his workouts went well and his weight rose back to the original state in a matter of weeks. He met a baggage claims officer who was also a competitive bodybuilder and they started to date. Rick was happy for the first time after his release though he still missed Mike. He pushed those thoughts away and got on with his life. Secretly he would look at the note Mike had left him and tears would come to his eyes. He placed the note in his wallet for easy access. Mike tried to date as well but it was disastrous. All he saw was Rick nobody even came close so he remained at home. Rick's lover was being transferred and even though Rick liked him, he knew it wasn't love. Their last date was quite benevolent to say the least. Terry undertood and wished Rick all the best. When Rick got home he felt so alone as the walls closed in around him. There was no cheerful laughter and ribbing from Mike to make all the bad things of the day seem insignificant. He knew he had to find Larry and talk to him. This was not how a long friendship should end. He didn't call he just drove over there. Larry was at the barn when Rick drove up. No words were necessary. They just hugged each other and cried. Rick asked for Mike and Larry said he had moved. Rick was surprised! They had lunch and went fishing where they filled each other in on what had happened in their lives. Larry knew Rick had got the job, he was behind it! Rick warmed towards him after that revelation. Rick decided to build a patio at the rear of the house to enjoy the creek. One day he visited the architect in town for an appraisal. He met with the Chief Architect who called in Mike to assess the viability of the project. Mike walked in and was introduced. Both of them froze and an intense situation developed. The boss asked, "Do you guys know each other?" Mike replied yes but Rick remained silent. With the formalities out of the way they got down to business. They were both very neverous and it was noticeable. Mike was assigned to visit the property and to asseess it. This made him feel uneasy. He could have very well have told them the value since he had once lived there but, that would be out of the question. It would be unprofessional to say the least. They decided to put feelings aside and the day was agreed upon. Mike drove up and there was Rick waiting for him. He was scared. At this point, he was shaking visibly. Rick noticed and felt good inside. At least, he had a chance. He took Mike outback like he would have taken a stranger and introduced him to the area he wanted developed. They measured it and went inside to discuss ideas and designs. Rick brought some ice tea for them to enjoy while Mike provided his assessment. Rick asked Mike which design he liked. Mike blushes and told Rick the choice was not his to make. Rick insisted and Mike eventually chose the verrato design since it would match the woodwork of the house and provide resistence to mildew and fungus. Rick liked it! Mike got up to go and Rick helped him with his coat. Rick's fingers across Mike's shoulders resurfaced memories which made him tremble inwardly. Mike got goose bumps from the touch but kept his composure. Rick wished him a safe trip back as he escorted him to his car. Rick asked him if the car was still working well. Rick opened the door for him and waved as he drove away. He went inside and set down with his thoughts. He knew he should have said something but he was hesitant. Something kept him back. Construstion started and went smoothly during the early spring. In two weeks his deck was complete. Mike there was there to hand it over after a thorough inspection. He shook Rick's hand and congratulated him on his new addition to his home. Rick knew this would be their last business meeting and they may not meet again. He didn't want this moment to slip away. He invited Mike to stay if he wished and sample the deck with him. Understandably, Mike was hesistant and said he had to return to the office. Rick had questions to ask about the deck so Mike made a call and they said ok. Rick told him to change out of his suit in the bedroom and wear some of his clothes. Mike went and was very happy inside at the chain of events. He undressed slowly wondering what the outcome would be. He was very happy that Rick had no hatred toward him after all that had happened between them. With his pants in his hands, Rick appeared at the door. They looked at each other and the air between them suddenly got hot. Rick whispered softly, "Mike". All Mike could say was "Rick". His eyes filled with tears as he stood there before him. There was no holding back the raw pent up emotions that the seperation had brought. Rick crushed him in his arms as his mouth searched for Mike's eager lips. They met hungrily and fought to engulf each others. Rick was sobbing uncontrollably and Mike whispered, "Don't leave me Rick, I am miserable without you". Rick hugged him even closer knowing those words meant so much to him. Inside all that muscle, a passionate and loving man reached out to embrace his lover. Mike melted into his arms and spent the rest of the afternoon there. They never left the bedroom. Their relationship had endured a winter but spring had given them a chance for renewal. The wind still shrieked outside and like their love, it will always change. Hopefully, to bring them the happiness they both deserved. FIN